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  • Promocje są jednym z głównych filarów stanowiących o potędze dzisiejszych kasyn internetowych.
  • Właśnie dlatego tego typu promocje cieszą się tak ogromną popularnością wśród fanów hazardu internetowego.
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Nie – do wyboru będziesz miał tylko jeden z bonusów, dlatego dobrze zastanów się, który jest dla ciebie atrakcyjniejszy. Jak najbardziej, promocję odbierzesz na dowolnym urządzeniu przenośnym, na którym strona kasyna działać będzie poprawnie – a więc na telefonach i tabletach. Jeśli ktoś regularnie sprawdza te trzy główne sposoby dystrybucji kodów promocyjnych, to z pewnością w krótkim czasie odkryje coś interesującego.

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Pieniądze zostaną przyznane automatycznie. 100 zł bez depozytu znajdziesz też w ICE Casino. Tak jak w przypadku bonusu wyżej, musisz obrócić pieniędzmi 5x w ciągu 5 dni. By aktywować bonus, niezbędne jest podanie numeru kontaktowego w formularzu!

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  • Reguła jest taka, że dostępny u nas w Vulkan Vegas promo code 2023 obowiązuje tylko przez określony czas.

Ale najpierw warto, żebyś wiedział o tym, jak ogólnie zdobywa się kody promocyjne. Najbardziej typowe opcje polegają na przykład na umieszczeniu specjalnego kodu małą czcionką w newsletterze. Oczywiście skorzystać z niego może każdy gracz, ale chodzi tutaj o to, by uważnie czytać zamieszczane przez nas materiały promocyjne, więc jest to pewnego rodzaju premia dla spostrzegawczych użytkowników. Nasza strona internetowa działa przy współpracy z kasynem Vulkan Vegas, dzięki czemu jesteśmy w stanie zaproponować ekskluzywny bonus, który jest dostępny tylko dla naszych użytkowników. Na żadnej innej stronie, a także w samym kasynie, nie można odebrać tej oferty.

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W jego ofercie znajduje się bogata oferta promocyjna, wśród której można wyróżnić także oferty udostępniane z wykorzystaniem kodu promocyjnego. Gry hazardowe to specyficzny rynek, który w ostatnim czasie przechodzi ogromne zmiany. Dlatego właśnie oferta promocyjna Vulkan Vegas casino kod promocyjny regularnie ulega zmianom. Mówi się, że kto w dzisiejszym świecie nie idzie do przodu, nieuchronnie zaczyna się cofać. Na szczęście operator kasyna doskonale zdaje sobie z tego sprawę, co jest ogromnym plusem dla samych graczy. Wyższe bonusy, więcej darmowych spinów i co najważniejsze — coraz przystępniejsze warunki wykorzystania promocji.

Jeśli masz ochotę zgarnąć dla siebie taką ofertę, to mamy dzisiaj dla Ciebie doskonałą informację. Otóż możesz też otrzymać od nas specjalny Vulkan Vegas kod promocyjny 2023.

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Z kolei te, które są dostępne przez cały czas i można je używać wielokrotnie, dają zawsze to samo i są dostępne dla wszystkich. Rejestracja nowego konta w kasynie to doskonały moment, żeby wykorzystać swój pierwszy kod promocyjny Vulkan Vegas. Kasyno najczęściej przygotowuje specjalną ofertę dla nowych graczy, która cechuje się wyjątkową przystępnością i znacznie lepszymi warunkami użytkowania. Pozostaje jedynie przejść przez proces zakładania konta i w odpowiednim momencie podać otrzymany ciąg znaków. Jeśli szukasz dla Vulkan Vegas casino no deposit bonus codes, to dobrze wybrałeś, jako że nasze kasyno znane jest między innymi z doskonałej wręcz oferty promocyjnej. Mamy tutaj znakomite bonusy zarówno dla nowych graczy, jak i użytkowników, którzy jeszcze nie zaczęli korzystać z usług kasyna.

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To niepowtarzalna okazja, żeby rozpocząć swoją przygodę z tym serwisem, wykorzystując nasz bonus code Vulkan Vegas. Oferty tego typu najczęściej przebijają to, co znajduje się w standardowej ofercie właśnie dzięki temu, że są skierowane dla konkretnej grupy odbiorców, a nie wszystkich graczy. Dzięki temu warunki jego użytkowania są na o wiele wyższym poziomie, co daje znacznie lepszy start w kasynie. Ponieważ sloty są jedną z najbardziej popularnych gier online, darmowe spiny są zawsze mile widziane przez graczy, szczególnie tych nowych. Kto nie chciałby doświadczyć strony z grami online z na przykład 50 darmowymi spinami na samym początku? Dlatego właśnie top bonus bez depozytu 2023 jest najbardziej popularnym bonusem oferującym darmowe spiny za rejestrację na danej stronie.

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Staircases – or stairs for short – are an important part of each and every multistory house.

Stairs allow you to move from one level of the home to another level – easily and fluently.

In Vastu Shastra, staircases are given very high importance; it is said, believed – and even validated – that a staircase which does not comply with the rules and regulations of Vastu shastra leads to frequent – in many cases, major – accidents, and loss of wealth and mental tension.

On the other hand, if stairs are located – and built – as per Vastu, then the residents enjoy wealthhealth and peace of mind.          

Staircase Vastu – Why Is It Important?

There have been many instances where a family – or an individual – faces severe money and health problems; when an accurate Vastu analysis of such houses was done; it was found that – in most of the cases – the staircase of the home was the root cause of all the issues as the staircase was not complying with Vastu rules and guidelines.

To make you understand the risks associated with Vastu’s non-compliant stairs, I have compiled a list of problems caused due to this DEFECT.

Yes, “DEFECT”, understand that in Vastu shastra, noncompliance of stairs with Vastu rules and guidelines is a major – an obviously – a very serious defect.

Vastu Non-Compliant Stairs – List of Problems, Issues and Risks

Financial Troubles: Loss of wealth, debt and bankruptcy

Health-Related Issues: Frequent accidents – lethal and minor, ill-health of children in a family, breathing problems; blood-related medical issues and rare lethal diseases.

Family IssuesConflict within family members, mental tension and stress.

Being a sensible and responsible person, I believe that you will never – in any case whatsoever – want yourself or your family to face such harsh situations. Don’t you?

I believe that the above mentioned – a few – reasons are sufficient for you to consider doing Vastu for stairs in your home.

Hence read the next section of this article to understand – clearly – and implement staircase Vastu tips so that the stairs in your home bring happiness and well-being to you and your family.

Staircase Vastu – How You Can Do It?

This section of the article is dedicated to all those who want to do Vastu for stairs in their home.

In this section of the article, I reveal to you, the best location of the staircase in a home, the shapeauspicious colours for the staircase and much more so that you can make the staircase in your home as per Vastu shastra.

To begin with, I want you to take a look at the image – which I have created – for you.

The below image will reveal to you – in a nutshell – the best locations to build a staircase in your home as per Vastu shastra.

Seen the image? Ok, let’s continue.

Now you know that the best location to build a stair in a home is the South-West corner.

However – due to any reason – if the South-West corner of the home is unavailable to make a staircase, then the next best place to locate stairs is the South or West portion of home.

The next step in making the staircase of your home a Vastu compliant one is to implement Vastu tips for staircase.

I have compiled a list of all Vastu tips and guidelines which will help you achieve a vastu compliant staircase in your home.

Read – and understand them completely.

Staircase Vastu Tips

What You Must DO

  1. As per Vastu Construct a staircase in the South-West corner or West or South directions in a home.
  2. As per Vastu You can construct an external staircase in South-East facing East, South-West facing West, North-West facing North and South-West facing South.
  3. As per Vastu Staircase suggests that while going up via stairs, one must climb towards the West or South; and while descending one should descend towards East or North. Provide a turn in any direction due to the paucity of the land.
  4. As per Vastu Keep the stairs clockwise as far as possible.
  5. As per Vastu Use the area under a stair as a store place.
  6. As per Vastu Provide a roof sloping towards East or North at the top of the staircase.
  7. As per Vastu Keep the number of steps odd. Make sure that the number of risers when divided by 3 leaves 2 as the remainder. E.g. 5, 11, 17 etc.
  8. As per Vastu Use light and soothing colours for a Staircase. Avoid red and black colour for stairs.
  9. As per Vastu Repair broken stairs immediately else it may cause accident and conflict in family due to mental tension.

What You Must AVOID

  1. As per Vastu The staircase must never be on the North-East side of the home.
  2. As per Vastu If the staircase is in the North-East of the home then there will be financial and business losses; also the head of the family will be in debt.
  3. As per Vastu Avoid stairs in the centre of a home. Keep the centre of the home free as this is the Brahmasthan. 
  4. As per Vastu Spiral stairs are not recommended as per Vastu as they cause bad health.
  5. As per Vastu If a staircase if encircling the building then it will lead to calamities.
  6. As per Vastu One must never keep an almirah or cash locker under a staircase.
  7. As per Vastu The first step of any stair should never be round or circular.
  8. As per Vastu Stairs in a home should never start or end from/in Kitchen, Pooja/Prayer Room, Store Room or Strong Room.
  9. As per Vastu Do not have Pooja Room, toilet or Cash/Strong room under any staircase.
  10. As per Vastu If the space is less and the staircase is constructed South-East or North-West then it may, to some, extent affect the health of children in the family.
  11. As per Vastu Avoid circular or round steps as far as possible.
  12. As per Vastu If a staircase is built in the South-West (the best place) of a home, and room is available at the end of the stairs, then no one should occupy the room. If someone does occupy the room then he will fall sick, and have breathing problems; blood circulation will become slow and will start suffering from rare diseases.
  13. As per Vastu The steps going to upper floor must never be the same stairs that go to the basement or cellar.

Since now, you have all the required information on staircase vastu, I hope and believe that you will now be able to make the staircase in your home a vastu compliant one.



Toilets and bathrooms are – or tend to become – a major source of negative energy if they are not built as per the rules and guidelines of Vastu.

Hence, in this article, I will reveal to you the best location, internal arrangement of items and the most efficient Vastu tips which you can – and must – apply to make Vastu compliant toilets and bathrooms in your home.

As per Vastu shastra, the toilets and bathrooms in a home must be separate and not attached, but there are over 7 billion people on earth and 70% of earth’s surface is water, hence the space is limited for living and thus attached toilets or attached bathrooms – as some people call them – have found a way into our homes.

But this doesn’t mean that if you have attached bathrooms or toilets in your home then you cannot do Vastu for them.

You can easily do Vastu for them also and that’s what you are going to learn here.

But before you take any action further, I want you to go through the next section of this article which tells you the importance of doing Vastu for toilets and bathrooms in your home.

Also, the next section makes you aware of the common problems and issues associated with Vastu’s non-compliant bathrooms and toilets; hence if you are facing similar troubles in your life, you can easily pinpoint the reason for such troubles and apply suitable remedies to get rid of them.

Toilet and Bathroom Vastu – Why so much fuss?

Many troubles and issues are invited by Vastu’s non-compliant bathrooms and toilets.

Here in this section, I have listed the most common – but in no way painless – troubles and issues which find their way in if the toilet/bathroom of your home doesn’t comply with Vastu rules and guidelines.

Remember that many people have already faced these problems and many others are still being ground by them.

Vastu Non-Compliant Bathrooms – List of Problems They Attract

1.   Financial Issues: Weak finances, loss of money by various means.

2.   Health Issues: Mental tension and stress, frequent – lethal and minor – accidents.

Having seen – some – common problems that may arise due to Vastu defects in the toilet and bathroom, you are now ready to read and understand how you can make the toilet and bathroom in your home a Vastu compliant one.

All you need to do now is to read the next section of this very same article.

Vastu Compliant Toilets and Bathroom – How To Do It The Correct Way?

This section of the article reveals to you the best Vastu tips, location, wall colours, internal arrangement of items and much more in a bathroom while complying with the rules and regulations of Vastu shastra.

Making an attached toilet a Vastu compliant one is a three-step process.

In the first step, you will learn the best location, as per Vastu, where you can make a toilet or bathroom in your home.

Have a look at the image below and you will be able to easily understand the best and the second-best locations, as per Vastu, within a home where you can make a toilet or bathroom.

Since you have seen the image and understood that the best location for a toilet or bathroom is the North-West part of the home (not the North-West corner), see carefully that I have left the corners in the image.

The second-best location for a toilet is the North-East part and not the North-East corner, and the South-West part leaving the South-West corner, you are now ready for the second step in making a Vastu compliant toilet.

The second step is to identify the internal arrangements of items such as a geyser, bathtub, taps, mirror, commode etc. in an attached bathroom.

To make this process simpler, I have created another image which tells you the best possible arrangements of essential items and fittings in a bathroom.

Since you now have seen – and hopefully – understood the internal arrangement of items for a Vastu compliant attached bathroom, you are now ready to learn and understand the best Vastu tips for Vastu compliant attached toilet or bathroom.

Vastu Tips for Attached Bathroom and Toilet

11 Things You MUST DO

1. Water closet (commode) should preferentially be aligned to the North-South axis in the toilet.

2. Build toilets on the West or North-West side of the north of a room depending upon whether the toilet is with the bedroom or separate.

3. Toilets can also be constructed on Southside.

4. Place commode inside the toilet on the West, South or North-West side of the West.

5. Fit the pot, in the toilet, in such a way that while using the commode the person never faces East or West.

6. Construct a toilet 1-2 feet higher than ground level.

7. You can have the entrance door of the toilet on the East or North wall.

8. The flooring of the toilet should slope towards the East or North so that water drains from these sides.

9. Store water, taps etc. in the East, North or North-East.

10. Color walls of the toilet as desired, but prefer light colours.

11. Provide a small window in the toilet on the East, West or North wall

5 Things You MUST AVOID

1. Do not have a water closet, in the toilet, above or under puja room, fire or bed place.

2. Avoid toilets in the centre, North-East or South-West corner of the home.

3. Avoid the septic tank on the Southside of the toilet. Update: More on Septic tank Vastu For Septic Tank.

4. Never locate an attached toilet South-East or South-West corner.

5. Never store water or install taps in South-West or South-East.

I assume that you now have understood the importance of having a Vastu compliant attached toilet or bathroom in your home. Also, I believe that you will follow the above mentioned Vastu tips for toilet and bathroom and make the attached bathroom in your home a Vastu compliant one.




Method of learning i.e. “Studying”.

Studying needs a lot of attentionconcentration and focus; also, this method of learning needs – or demands – a place where one sits with a calm, composed and an open mind – a place where the grasping power of the mind is increased; a place which increases retention power of brain; a place where one is comfortable and can study undisturbed;

This place is what you call a “Study Room”.

You have a dedicated place – or room – for every activity that you perform in your home, in the same manner, you must have a study room where you – or your children – can concentrate on gaining knowledge.


How Can You Achieve a Vastu Compliant Study Room?


The process to make a study room a Vastu compliant one is a two-step – but very easy – process. The first step to making your study room Vastu compliant is to locate it as per the rules and guidelines of Vastu shastra.

To help you with this – first step – I have created an image which reveals to you the best location to make a study room.

Have a look at it.


Having seen the image, I assume that you now understand that the best location to make a study room is the west portion of your home. However – due to any reason – if the west portion of the home is unavailable then you can make the study room in the northeast corner or east part of the home.

The second – and the final – step that you need to take to make your study room a Vastu compliant one is to read and apply Vastu tips and guidelines.

I have compiled a list of all study room Vastu tips for you. Go through them, one by one.




1. As per Vastu Place study room in West, East or North-East of a home.

2. As per Vastu students, while reading must face either East or North direction.

3. As per Vastu Provide windows in the learning area on the East, North or West walls.

4. As per Vastu Provide doors of the study room in North-East, North, East or West.

5. As per Vastu Avoid doors in the South-East, North-West and South-West corners of the Study Room.

6. As per Vastu Do not sit below the beam while reading.

7. As per Vastu Study place should have an ample amount of light.

8. As per Vastu students should not face blank walls or windows while learning.

9. As per Vastu Space between the student and the wall in front facilitates an open mentality and new ideas come to mind.

10. As per Vastu A solid wall behind the student signifies support.

11. As per Vastu Avoid toilets in the study place as far as possible.

12. As per Vastu Provide a bathroom in the reading room.

13. As per Vastu Provide a book rack or bookshelf on the East or North wall of the reading area.

14. As per Vastu If books are kept in the South-West corner, then they remain untouched.

15. As per Vastu The books kept in the North-West corner get stolen by someone.

16. As per Vastu The bookshelf should never be located over or above the study table.

17. As per Vastu Use a square or rectangular study table for best results.

18. As per Vastu If the study table is rectangular then, the length: and breadth should always be less than or equal to 1:2 e.g if the length of the study table is 4 feet then have breadth between 2 to 8 feet.

19. As per Vastu Keep the study table some inches (at least an inch) away from the wall.

20. As per Vastu for the reading room suggests that the room should have images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati.

21. As per Vastu If a student uses a table lamp then place the lamp in the South-East corner of the study table.

22. As per Vastu You can keep a computer in the South-East corner of the study place.

23. As per Vastu Placing a pyramid in the study place balances energies and increases memory power.

24. As per Vastu Mount a pendulum clock on the North Wall of the study area.

25. As per Vastu Use light and soothing colours for walls.

26. As per Vastu Keep the study place cluttered and noise-free.

Hope the above study room Vastu shastra tips help you to gain confidence and concentration in your studies.




A living room is a place of gathering – the place where you entertain your guests, socialize with people, and enjoy and spend immeasurable quality time with your family.

In short, it is the place where most of your “sweet memories” are made.

For these reasons, I can safely state that a living room has dual functions:

1. It is an interface where you socialize with outside people, such as guests, friends and distant relatives.

2. It’s also a place where you share private time with your family doing activities, such as watching TV, family discussions and anything and everything that you and your family love to do together.

Since a living room serves dual purposes in a home, hence it’s very important to make it as per the rules and regulations of Vastu shastra.

If you want to know “why”, then read the next section.          

In most cases the entrance – or main door – of a home leads directly to the drawing/living room; the main door of a home is the place from where energy – positive or negative – enters the home; hence it’s very important to make the home entrance a Vastu compliant one.



Since you have now become aware of the dual purposes of a living room, you are in a better position to understand and contemplate the reasons to have a living room that follows Vastu shastra.

Below, I have provided some examples that will make you consider doing Vastu for your living room.

As mentioned earlier that it’s the living room where guests are entertained in a home; some of them have positive feelings – or energy – whereas others have negative ones (Hmm, there are all kinds of people in this world).

Now, imagine a guest, who has negative feelings for you and your family, entering your home and spending time in your living room.

Where is the guest dropping all the negative energy?


What happens to “this negative energy” if your living room is not “equipped” to get rid of it?

It spreads to the entire home and affects you and your family is – obviously – negative ways.

I will tell you one more way of negative energy entering your home.

The main door of a home – mostly – leads to the living room; hence any negative energy which – somehow – crosses the main door, enters the living room directly.

Since you and your family spend time in the living room – with each other and with people outside of the family – hence you all get impacted by negative energies present in the living room.

Since you have now read two main – but easily possible – scenarios of negative energies entering your home, I believe that you now understand how vulnerable a living room becomes if it’s not able to dispose of negative energies and attract and simultaneously enhance positive ones – which is why we do Vastu.

Hence, if the living room in your home is not as per Vastu shastra; then I sincerely urge you to read the next section of this article to know and understand all the important steps that you need to take to make your living room a Vastu compliant one.


Vastu for Living Room – How You Can Do It?


This part of the article is dedicated to providing you with “the actions” which you MUST take to make the living room in your home a Vastu compliant one.

Understand that this is a two-step process.

In the first step, I want to take a look at the image below so that you understand the best location where you need to locate the drawing room in your home.


Since you have seen – and I believe have completely understood – the best location(s) for a living room in a home, you are now ready to take the second step towards making your living room a Vastu compliant one.

The second – and final – a step which you need to follow is to read and follow all the below mentioned Vastu tips for the living room.


Living Room Vastu Tips:


1. As per Vastu Construct a living room in the East (not in the South-East corner, except for South facing houses) or in the North.

2. As per Vastu A living room is more beneficial in the North direction.

3. As per Vastu The North-West living room is also good; since the presiding element of the North-West part of a home is “Air”, the guests in this drawing-room start to feel restless after some time and tend to leave early. This could be a great site of living area for families who want to avoid late-night parties and get-togethers.

4. As per Vastu God presides North-East of the house and this is one of the ideal locations for a living room, however, it’s better suited for a pooja or prayer room.

5. As per Vastu A living room in the North brings a lot of wealth and health to the entire family.

6. As per Vastu South-West located living room makes your guests feel at home and they stick to your home for a long time. If you – and your family – have a very active social life and just love your guests to stay too long (which could be difficult to manage at times) then you can locate your living room here. However, this place is best suited for Master Bedroom.

7. As per Vastu Living area floor should slope toward East or North.

8. As per Vastu The ceiling of the living area, if sloping towards the East or North is good.

9. As per Vastu Have the door of the living room in the East or North as they are very auspicious and bring wealth, health and overall progress.

10. As per Vastu South, North-East or South-East entrance indicates success but then it takes a lot of hard work to achieve.

11. As per Vastu West entrance to the living area is good for scholars and researchers.

12. As per Vastu Living area’s North-West entrance supports development in all areas of life.

13. As per Vastu South entrance for the living area is inauspicious; just shift the entrance to the West for better results.

14. As per Vastu Within the living area keep internal furniture, articles and heavy things on the West or Southside. If there is no option, then use a base of 1-3 inches in height to keep furniture in the North or North-East.

15. As per Vastu The head of the family, in the living area, should sit facing East or North so that he remains in command and guests are not able to dominate him.

16. As per Vastu Put the TV in the South-East corner and not in the North-East corner.

17. As per Vastu If TV is in the South-West corner, then it will break down often.

18. As per Vastu If television is in the North-West corner then the family will waste a lot of precious time watching TV only.

19. As per Vastu Keep the telephone in the East, South-East or North.

20. As per Vastu Do not keep the telephone in South-West or North-West.

21. As per Vastu Place air cooler and air conditioner are in the West, North-West or East and not in the South-East.

22. As per Vastu You can hang portraits of Gods or some beautiful paintings on the North-East wall or corner.

23. As per Vastu Do not hang any portrait depicting negative energy e.g. war, crime, weeping etc in the living area (actually avoid them anywhere in a home).

24. As per Vastu Use white, light yellow, blue or green colours for living room walls.

25. As per Vastu Avoid red or black for living area wall colours.

26. As per Vastu Keep square or rectangular furniture in the living area and avoid circular, oval or any other shape of furniture (this applies to furniture in the entire home).

27. As per Vastu Provide a staircase in the South, West or South-West corner of the living area.

28. As per Vastu Put light curtains on North-East windows and doors and heavy curtains on the South-West (this is applicable anywhere in a home) of the living area.

29. As per Vastu Keep the North-East corner of the living area clean and empty if possible. Also, to make things better, keep some healthy plants in this corner.

30. As per Vastu Never keep artificial flowers, dried flowers (they attract misfortune), cactus/cacti or bonsai plants (have a negative influence on finance and career) and are inauspicious.

31. As per Vastu Hang a chandelier in the South or West of the living area; do not hang anything in the centre.

32. As per Vastu Lit the living area is bright with soothing lights.

33. As per Vastu Keep a fish aquarium in the East, North or North-East of the living area. In Vastu shastra, a fish aquarium is considered a very powerful tool – so powerful that it acts as a remedy for many Vastu defects. But, you must use a fish aquarium as per the rules and guidelines of Vastu; else it may ruin all the happiness in your home. 

34. As per Vastu If there is an error in the North-West corner then placing an aquarium will drop that issue.

35. As per Vastu Never keep an aquarium in the South as draws all positive energy out of the home.

36. As per Vastu You can place a water fountain in the North.

Armed with these simple but very powerful Vastu tips for living room; as you now know the implications of not having a Vastu compliant living room, I sincerely trust that you will leave no stone unturned to make your living room a Vastu compliant one.








  1. As per Vastu Dining area in the West is best, in the North or East is the second best.
  2. As per Vastu Dining room should always be spacious, hospitable and comfy.
  3. As per Vastu While dining; the head of the family must face East. The rest of the family members can face East, North or West.
  4. As per Vastu Children should not sit in the South-West corner of the dining table as this will make them gain control of the house overpower their parents.
  5. As per Vastu No one from the family should face South while dining else it causes small disputes among family members.
  6. As per Vastu East, North or West walls are best for doors of the dining room; avoid the door in the South wall.
  7. As per Vastu square or rectangular dining tables are best; avoid circular, oval or any other shape as far as possible.
  8. As per Vastu Place the dining table towards the South-West corner of the dining area, but make sure that the dining table doesn’t touch the wall. Also, keep enough space between the dining chair and wall so that anyone can get up easily.
  9. As per Vastu Dining table must not fold against any wall.
  10. As per Vastu Do not place the dining table under a beam.
  11. As per Vastu Use the North-East of the dining area to keep drinking water.
  12. As per Vastu Provide wash-basin in the North or East but not in the South-East or North-West.
  13. As per Vastu Do not attach any toilets to the dining place, but a place for washing utensils or clothes is acceptable.
  14. As per Vastu Main door of the house and the entrance door of the dining room should not face each other.
  15. As per Vastu Build a kitchen and dining area on the same floor.
  16. As per Vastu You can keep a refrigerator in the South-East corner of the dining area.
  17. As per Vastu If the dining place is a part of the drawing-room (which mostly is the case these days) then use a curtain or a potted plant as a demarcation. Once separated, apply all dining room Vastu tips to this area.
  18. As per Vastu Best colours for dining room walls are pink, orange, yellow, cream or off-white.
  19. As per Vastu You can hang a mirror on the East or North wall of the dining area.

Apart from the above dining room Vastu tips there are some other factors also that need attention. These factors are not related to dining area Vastu shastra but they can make a family well balanced and healthy.


  1. Place posters or photos of mouth-watering dishes in the dining area to arouse hunger.
  2. A family, while eating, should always be relaxed, happy and stress-free.
  3. Family members must speak politely to each other while eating (of course, they should not yell at each other anywhere) they should converse respectfully at all times.
  4. Also, while a family is talking on a dining table, they should not make fun of the inadequacy of anyone. Again this applies not only to the dining table but universally.
  5. Dining tables must not become a classroom of etiquette for anyone as they may lose interest in consuming food.
  6. Play soft and subdued music in the dining room.
  7. Please avoid the idiot box (TV) in the dining room so that the whole family spends quality time together.

Hope the above Vastu tips for the dining room make your life sweeter.



What You Must Follow

1. As per Vastu puja room Vastu, north-east corner of home is best site for pooja place.

2. As per Vastu East and west are second best locations.

3. As per Vastu Keep the pooja place on ground floor.

4. As per Vastu In big plots or factories etc. construct puja ghar at center; this is very auspicious.

5. As per Vastu Keep the idols in the east and/or west of the prayer room.

6. As per Vastu Place the idols a few inches (at least an inch) away from the wall.

7. As per Vastu Make sure that all the idols are always in perfect condition.

8. As per Vastu Have two shutter doors of high-quality wood for a prayer room.

9. As per Vastu Puja Room can have doors and windows on north or east walls.

10. As per Vastu White or light yellow coloured marble work in the prayer room makes it more auspicious.

11. As per Vastu Use white, light yellow or light blue colours for the walls of the puja room.

12. As per Vastu You can place a lampstand in the pooja room on the southeast or eastern side.

13. As per Vastu If the roof of the puja room is pyramid shape then it’s very auspicious.

14. As per Vastu You can place an Agnikund in the prayer room in the southeast corner.

15. As per Vastu Keep showcases and almirahs towards the west or south walls.

16. As per Vastu Entrance of pooja place must have a threshold.

17. As per Vastu If the prayer area is in the kitchen then keep it in the northeast corner of the kitchen; you should face east while praying. 

 What You Must Avoid

1. As per Vastu The puja place should never be in the south direction of the house.

2. As per Vastu Do not have puja place in a store-room.

4. As per Vastu Never make puja room in the basement or first or above floors.

5. As per Vastu Do not have a prayer place above, below or next to any toilet or kitchen.

6. As per Vastu Avoid puja room or place under a staircase.

7. As per Vastu Idols should never face south.

8. As per Vastu Do not chisel off the wall to make a place for keeping idols.

9. As per Vastu Never keep broken idols.

10. As per Vastu Idols should never be directly in front of the entrance door of the prayer room.

11. As per Vastu Never keep the idols brought from old temples in the prayer room.

12. As per Vastu Women should not enter the prayer room during menses.

13. As per Vastu Scenes or photos of crime, battles or of any negative emotions are a strict “no” in the puja place. 

14. As per Vastu Do not hang photos of animals and birds in the puja place.

15. As per Vastu Never have photos of passed away people in the puja area.

16. As per Vastu Never keep a dustbin in the pooja place; it reduces the positive energy of the room.

17. As per Vastu No one should sleep in the prayer room (except if the prayer room is in the bedroom).

18. As per Vastu Don’t keep the items in the pooja area that do not belong there.

19. As per Vastu Never conceal any money or other valuables in puja place.

I believe and trust that the above Vastu tips for puja will make your prayer room a very auspicious one.


To pray to god we all need a special place to worship in our home. in Indian culture our day starts with praying to god. Once you have made a puja or prayer room in your home then “the room” automatically starts to attract positivity and harmony.

However, if the pooja room is left unprotected then this “attracted” positivity and harmony starts to weaken due to the influence of negative energies that – may be – present in your home.

Hence, you must take all the required actions and make sure that the pooja room in your home is Vastu shastra compliant so that it is capable of enhancing and attracting positive energies in and around your home.


Puja room – or prayer room – is – and must be – one the most auspicious and sacred rooms of your home.

But this “most auspicious and sacred” room needs be as per rules and guidelines of Vastu shastra.

Since you worship, keep religious texts, idols and images of deity’s and other Godly belongings in this room, hence you must protect this room from negative energies.

How to Make Your Puja Room Vastu Compliant?

Making a pooja room vastu shastra compliant is a two step process.

The first step that you need to take is to locate the puja room – obviously – in the most auspicious way.

Now, to help you to identify the best possible location for a pooja – or prayer – room in your home, I have made an image, which reveals to you the best location for a pooja room in a home as per Vastu shastra.


As you may see in the image above that the best place to locate puja room is the North-East corner of your home.

However – due to any reason – if the North-East corner is unavailable then you can make the puja room on the East or West side of your home.

The next – and the last – step to making a Vastu compliant pooja room is to follow all Vastu tips and guidelines for pooja room which are mentioned below.


Main purpose of Vastu is to make us live in harmony with nature taking advantage of the magnetic fields, gravitational effects etc. of the earth, the rainfall, the galaxy and the whole of the nature and the universe and duly invoking the blessing of the Gods of the directions. So every direction signifies a particular room and if in any house the Vastu principles are not followed, that result in misfortunes and problems.

The interior signifies the space enclosed by the outer walls of the house. The interior is not like the homogeneous mass of that of Vastu for Interiors any sweet but it differs from inch to inch so it’s very important to plan it accordingly. Sometimes a person living in Vastu based house can face problems if the interiors is not done in proper way and many a times the problems can be rectified by changing the interiors of the house.


  • Placement of furniture in all the rooms.
  • Placement of the accessories in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Suggesting the colour schemes for paints for different rooms.
  • Suggesting the colours of the drapery and choice of materials for different rooms.
  • Suggesting the colour for the exteriors.
  • Placement of invertors, washing machine, electrical items.
  • Choice and placement of plants to be put in an area and plants to be avoided in the building.