Difference Between Screw and Bolt

Difference Between Screw and Bolt: –

Screw and bolt are extensively used in the manufacturing industry. Both of them are made of metal. They are used as an extremely thread fastener. However, there is some basic difference between these two fasteners.

Screw vs Bolt

Screw and bolt have several differences. In the following table, the main differences between screw and bolt are given:

  Screw  Bolt
1 Screw takes no nut. Bolt takes a nut in one side.
2 A screw is inserted without any holes. Holes are required for inserting the bolt.
3 The screw is used with thread components. Holes are used to assembling components.
4 A screw is called as a full thread. Bolt is called as half thread.
5 Screw contains thread that is helical in shape. Bolt contains thread that is spiral in shape.
6 Screw contains pointed shank. Bolt doesn’t have any decreased shank.
7 A screw has no parallel section. Bolt has a parallel section.
8 Screw gives less strength. Bolt gives greater strength.
9 In a screw, torque is applied to the head. In a bolt, torque isn’t applied to the thread.
10 Screw requires being turned. That’s why it does not stay in the same position. Bolt is fixed at a single position.
11 A screw has no external thread except one head. Bolt has an external thread at the lower end.
12 The screw needs screwdriver most of the time for tightening. Bolt needs wrenches and spanners for tightening.
13  A screw is less reliable. Bolt is more reliable.
14  A screw is used to fasten material by digging in. Bolt is designed for insertion through holes in assembled parts.
15 Available sizes of the screw are small or medium. They don’t provide any large size. Available sizes of the bolt are small or large. They don’t provide medium size.
16 Some examples of screws are- wood machine screw, self-drilling screw, mating screw, set screw etc. Some examples of bolts are- elevator bolt, lag bolt, timber bolt, stud bolt, plow bolt etc.
17 A screw has non-uniform cross-connection. Bolt has a uniform-cross section.


Difference Between Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals

Difference Between Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals

There are two types of metals- ferrous and non-ferrous. The basic difference between ferrous and non-ferrous can be identified by the presence of iron. There are many other basic indicators which differentiate between ferrous and non-ferrous.

Ferrous vs Nonferrous Metals

Ferrous and nonferrous Metals have several differences. In the following table, the main differences between ferrous and nonferrous Metals are given:

  Ferrous Metals Ferrous Metals
1 Ferrous indicates the presence of iron in a bivalent state. Non-ferrous metals do not contain any iron.
2 As ferrous contains iron, it shows magnetic feature. Non-ferrous metals don’t show any magnetic feature which means it’s non-magnetic.
3 Ferrous metals are less resistant to corrosion. Non-ferrous metals are more resistant to corrosion
4 One special feature of ferrous metals is it possesses high tensile strength and durability. One special feature of non-ferrous metals is their malleability.
5 Ferrous metals can be oxidized. Non-ferrous metals cannot be oxidized.
6 The usage of ferrous metals ushered in the iron age. Non-ferrous metals are ushered in the bronze age.
7 Some ferrous metals are- vehicle scrap metal, demolition site scrap metal, metal offcuts from manufacturing industries. Some non-ferrous metals are-aluminum and aluminum alloys, copper, brass, lead, zinc, stainless steel, electronic cable etc
8 Ferrous metals are used – cutlery, kitchen equipment, ball bearings etc. Non-ferrous metals are used- water pipes, electrical wire, decorative goods, soft solder etc.
9 Ferrous metal includes mild steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron and wrought iron. Non-ferrous metals are used where their difference from ferrous metals can provide an advantage.
10 Ferrous metals make up the most recycled materials in the world As per the recycling goes, many non-ferrous materials are relatively scarce.
11 Ferrous scrap metals tend to be in good supply. Non-ferrous scraps are harder to come by.
12 The price of ferrous metal tends to be lower. Prices of non-ferrous metals are greater than ferrous metals
13 Ferrous reaction- 4Fe + 3O2+ 6H2O = 4Fe(OH)3 Non-ferrous reaction- 2 Cu (s) + O2 (g) —> 2 CuO (s)




Steel is the world’s most important engineering and construction material. It composites of- iron, carbon & other elements. Iron is the base of steel. Though steel is harder and stronger than iron. It possesses high tensile strength, super flexibility, and low cost. Producing one ton of steel requires 40% of the energy. Steel is widely used in different sectors.

Uses of Steels

Some vital utilizations of steels are given below:

  1. Steel is environment-friendly & sustainable. Its posse’s great durability.
  2. Compared to other materials, steel requires a low amount of energy to produce lightweight steel construction.
  3. Steel is the world’s most recycled material which can be recycled very easily. Its unique magnetic properties make it an easy material to recover from stream to be recycled.
  4. Steel can be designed into various forms. It gives better shape and edge than iron which is used to make weapons.
  5. Engineering steels are used for general engineering and manufacturing sectors.
  6. Steel is highly used in the automobile industry. Different types of steels are used in a car body, doors, engine, suspension, and interior. The average 50% of a car is made of steel.
  7. Steel reduces CO2
  8. All types of energy sectors demand steel for infrastructure and resource extraction.
  9. Stainless steels are used to produce offshore platforms and pipelines.
  10. Steels are used for packaging and protecting goods from water, air and light exposure.
  11. Most of the household appliances like fridge, TV, oven, sinks, etc are made of steel.
  12. Steels are used for producing industrial goodies like farm vehicles and machines.
  13. Stainless steel is used as a cutlery material.
  14. Because of its easily welding capability and attractive finishing, steel has become a prominent feature in modern architecture.
  15. Stainless steel gives a hygienic environment. That’s why it is used for surgical implants.
  16. Steel has a wider range of temperature which is used to make large sheets.
  17. Renewable energy resources like solar, hydro and wind power use the stainless-steel components.
  18. Mild steel is used for building construction. It is also a highly favored building frame material.

What is Aggregate

What is Aggregate

Aggregate is an aggregation of non-metallic minerals obtained in particulate form and can be processed and used for civil and highway engineering construction.

Aggregates are mainly classified into two categories:

  1. Fine Aggregate
  2. Coarse



Pretested cement concrete is the most durable, reliable and strongest concrete that is widely used for the construction of mega buildings and bridges. It has made significant contributions to the construction industry, the precast manufacturing industry, and the cement


Followings are the advantages of prestressed concrete:

  • Longer span length increases untroubled floor space and parking facilities.
  • Thinner slabs, that are important for high rise building as with the same amount of cost, it can construct more slabs than traditional thicker slabs.
  • As the span length is larger, fewer joints are needed than traditional RC structures.
  • Because of fewer joints, maintenance cost also becomes reduced during the design life as joints are the major locus of weakness in a concrete building.
  • Long-term Durability.
  • Better finishing of placed concrete
  • It requires a smaller amount of construction materials.
  • It resists stresses are higher than normal RCC structures and is free from cracks.


Followings are the disadvantages of prestressed concrete:

  • It requires high strength concrete and high tensile strength steel wires.
  • The main disadvantage is construction requires additional special equipment like jacks, anchorage, etc.
  • It requires highly skilled workers under skilled supervision.
  • Construction cost is little higher than RCC structures.

Factors affecting the working of cement concrete mix

Factors affecting the working of cement concrete mix

  • TIME

Usually, Slump test is done to indirectly determine the workability of a concrete mix.

Elastic Properties

Concrete is not perfectly elastic for any range of loading, an appreciable permanent setting taking place for even low loads. The deformation is not proportional to the stress at any stage of loading. The elastic properties of concrete vary with the richness of the mixture and with the intensity of the stress. They also vary with the age of concrete.


Durability is the property of concrete to withstand the condition for which it has been designed, without deterioration over a period of years. Lack of durability can be caused by external agents arising from the environment or by internal agents within the concrete.

Causes can be categorized as physical, mechanical and chemical.

Physical cause arises from the action of frost and from differences between the thermal properties of aggregate and of the cement paste, while mechanical causes are associated mainly with abortion.


Penetration of concrete by materials in solution may adversely affect its durability, for instance, when Ca(OH)2 is being leached out or an attack by aggressive liquids (acids) takes place. Permeability has an important bearing on the vulnerability of concrete to water and frost. In the case of reinforced cement concrete, the penetration of moisture and air will result in the corrosion of steel . This leads to an increase in the volume of the steel, resulting in cracking and spalling of the concrete. Permeability of concrete is also of importance for liquid retaining and hydraulic structures;


The tendency of separation of coarse aggregate grains from the concrete mass is called segregation. It increases when the concrete mixture is lean and too wet. It also increases when rather large and rough-textured aggregate is used. The phenomenon of segregation can be avoided as follows.

  1. Addition of little air in the mixing.
  2. Restricting the amount of water to the smallest possible amount.
  • All the operations like handling, placing and consolidation must be carefully conducted.
  1. Concrete should not be allowed to fall from large heights.


The tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly laid concrete is known as bleeding. The water rising to the surface carries with it, particles of sand and cement, which on hardening form a scum layer is popularly known as laitance. Concrete bleeding can be checked by adopting the following measures.

  1. By adding more cement
  2. By using more finely ground cement
  • By properly designing the mix and using the minimum quantity of water
  1. By using little air entraining agent
  2. By increasing the finer part of fine aggregate


Plain concrete when subjected to flexure, exhibits fatigue. The flexure resisting ability of concrete of a given quality is indicated by an endurance limit whose value depends upon the number of repetitions of stress. In concrete pavement design, the allowable flexural working stress is limited to 55% of the modulus of rupture.

Properties of Concrete mix , strength of concrete mix

Concrete is a mixture of several materials. At the hardened state, this heterogeneous material becomes stone-like mass. The extensive use of concrete in the construction field has made it a material of huge concern for engineers. To participate in the vast uses of concrete mix an engineer must know its properties. Here in this article, we have provided a glimpse of the properties of concrete.


Strength of concrete are of the following types:

  1. Compressive strength
  2. Tensile strength
  3. Flexural strength
  4. Shear strength

Compressive Strength

Two types of test specimens are used in Bangladesh -(1) Cube and (2) Cylinder.

The cube specimens of concrete of the desired proportion are cast in steel or cast iron molds, normally 6-inch cube. The standard cylinder specimen of concrete is 6 inch in diameter and 12 inches in height and cast in a mold generally made of cast iron;

Standard cubes and cylinders are tested at prescribed ages, generally, 28 days, with additional tests often made at 1, 3, and 7 days. The specimens are tested for crushing strength under a testing machineThe cube tests give much greater values of crushing strength, usually 20 to 30 % more than those given by cylinders.

According to British standard, the strength of a cylinder specimen is equal to three-quarters of the strength of the cube specimen.

Figure: Cube and Cylinder Specimens for Compression Strength Testing.

Effect of age on concrete strength:

Concrete attains strength with time. Ordinary cement concrete gains above 70 to 75% of its final strength within 28 days and about 90 to 95 % in the course of one year. It is often desirable to check the suitability of a concrete long before the results of the 28-day test are available. When no specific data on the materials used in making concrete are available, the 28-day strength may be assumed to be 1.5 times of the 7 days’ strength. Tests have shown that for concrete made with ordinary Portland cement the ratio of the 28 days to 7 days’ strength generally lies between 1.3 to 1.7, and the majority of the results fall above 1.5. The extrapolation of 28 days’ strength from the 7 days’ strength is, therefore quite reliable;

The rate of gain of strength of the different type of cement concretes are shown in the figure below

Tensile strength

Concrete is very weak in tension. The tensile strength of ordinary concrete ranges from about 7 to 10 percent of the compressive strength.

Flexural strength

The flexural strength of plain concrete is almost wholly dependent upon the tensile strength. However, experiments show that the modulus of rupture is considerably greater than the strength in tension.

Shear strength

It is the real determining factor in the compressive strength of short columns. The average strength of concrete in direct shear varies from about half of the compressive strength for rich mixtures to about 0.8 of the compressive strength for lean mixtures.


The strength of concrete of a given mix proportion is very seriously affected by the degree of its compaction. It is therefore vital that the consistency of the mix be such that the concrete can be transported, placed and finished sufficiently easily and without segregation. A concrete satisfying these conditions is said to be workable.

Light-Transmitting Concrete mix

Concrete that has a density lesser than 1920kg/m3 are classified as light-weight concrete. The utilization of lightweight aggregates in a concrete style can provide us lightweight aggregates. Aggregates are the vital part that contributes to the density of the concrete. The samples of lightweight aggregates are stone, perlites, and scoria. The lightweight concrete is applied for the protection of the steel structures and is used for the development of the long-span bridge decks. These are used for the development of the building blocks.

To conclude with, concrete is the basic need for building or other constructional works. Thus, the knowledge of different types of concrete should use wisely by consumers’ in order to take advantage of its properties for their construction engagements.

Limecrete concrete mix

The cement is replaced by lime during this concrete kind. The most application of this product is on floors, domes, likewise as vaults. These not like cement have several environmental and health advantages. These products are renewable and simply clean.

Polymer Concrete mix

In polymer concrete mix , the aggregates are restrained with the polymer rather than cement. The assembly of polymer concrete can facilitate within the reduction of volume of voids within the mixture. This may cut back the quantity of polymer that is necessary to bind the aggregates used. Hence, the aggregates are ranked and mixed consequently to attain minimum void. This kind of concrete has totally different classes:

  • Polymer Impregnated Concrete
  • Polymer cement concrete
  • Partially Impregnated